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Wrapping up 2023


As we bid farewell to 2023, let's take a moment to reflect on a truly remarkable year marked by innovation and growth at Textkernel. In this year-end review, we're excited to unveil the standout highlights of our latest and upcoming product enhancements.

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This year has been unlike any other, aligning seamlessly with our #bettertogether brand launch. We’ve successfully streamlined and enriched our product portfolio, optimizing navigation and delivering added value across all product families. The strategic integration of Textkernel, WiseGuys, Joboti, Akyla, and Sovren demonstrates the power of unity. By embracing simplicity, we are redefining our product offerings to navigate the future! Keep reading for an overview of the key enhancements we’ve made throughout the year guided by our strategic “Understand, Connect, Analyze” framework.

UNDERSTAND – Set the groundwork for success with a solid data foundation

It’s a fundamental truth: the key to success is a steadfast data foundation. Central to this foundation are our AI-powered Parser and Skills Intelligence (formerly known as Data Enrichment). Explore the key enhancements that redefine the core of your data capabilities:

CONNECT – Scale and grow your business with workflow automation

Transitioning from accurate and structured people and job data, we delve into making data actionable and workflow automation. This is where the strength of our #BetterTogether product portfolio truly shines. The integration of Textkernel, Wise Guys, Joboti, Akyla, and Sovren ensures that your automation efforts are not only precise but also fortified by the collective strengths of these solutions. What’s new:

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Bulk Select and Enhanced Multilingual Search Capabilities

Since February you can action your search results faster with our enhanced ‘Bulk select’ feature. Select up to 1,500 search results at a time! In June we made improvements for our international Search customers related to search capabilities in different languages and salary currencies.

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Next-level Matching with AutoMatch

Say goodbye to manual effort with AutoMatch. Think Match, but with seamless automation behind the scenes, ensuring that every job uploaded into the system comes with a pre-matched list of suitable candidates. Automatch is currently in Beta in Bullhorn and soon will be available in Salesforce and as a standalone API!

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Automated candidate engagement

Textkernel’s acquisition of Joboti in March 2023 combines advanced candidate engagement technology with AI-powered solutions. We can now not only match candidates with near-human accuracy but also actively engage with them, facilitating process automation. In May, we introduced self-service features, and Candidate Engagement now seamlessly integrates with Salesforce-based ATS (closed beta), allowing for the swift incorporation of WhatsApp use cases. Recruiters can effortlessly connect with the right candidates through this enhancement.

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Mid-Office: Onboarding advancements

Elevating staffing beyond placements, Mid-Office refines onboarding, optimizes time registration, ensures compliance, and automates staffing workflows. This year we made significant advancements in the Onboarding module including seamless integration of Collective Labor Agreements, a substantial user experience improvement for flex workers, a streamlined document signing process, and enhanced security with the option for flex workers in the Netherlands to identify themselves using internet banking.

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Automated messages via WhatsApp in Mid-Office Portal

Transform staffing administrative processes by integrating automated engagement with our mid-office portal. Implement reminders via WhatsApp for seamless communication with flex workers.

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Coming soon

Auto-matching and Candidate Engagement:

Streamline the entire process—from matching to assessing candidates’ interest and availability. Activate additional workflows within or outside the ATS with proactive candidate engagement.

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Coming soon

Auto-Matching for Redeployment of Temp Workers in Mid-Office

Enhance the redeployment and retention of temporary workers, extending their employment tenure. Through automatic matching and candidate engagement, guarantee a smooth transition for temporary workers into suitable new assignments as their current roles conclude.

ANALYZE – Support strategic decision making with accessible and reliable data

Building upon the foundation of a robust data infrastructure and the efficiency gained through workflow automation, we now focus on the critical aspect of analysis. Explore textkernel Labour Market Insights enhancements:

These enhancements are just a glimpse into our continuous efforts to provide best-in-class solutions for staffing, recruitment, and HR processes. We work with over a hundred innovative partners, ranging from dynamic local industry leaders to visionary international giants If you’re seeking specific integration enhancements or exploring opportunities for collaboration, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

As we look ahead to the future, Textkernel remains dedicated to pushing boundaries and delivering solutions that empower your success and the modernization of the HR landscape. Thank you for being part of our journey in 2023. Here’s to a future of continued growth and innovation!


Unlock Generative AI-powered Textkernel products

Your portal to the latest experimental features and products that combine the power of Generative AI (e.g. GPT) with Textkernel’s existing products, including (but not limited to):

1. Generate fully tailored job descriptions
2. Automatically summarize why a candidate is a good fit
3. Generate personalized candidate outreach messages
4. Automatically convert your hiring needs into a search query with Free-text search