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Responsible AI in recruitment

We are committed to ensuring responsible AI in recruitment, prioritizing ethical practices and inclusivity for a smarter, fairer future.

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Understanding bias in recruitment AI

What is bias and why is it a problem?

The process of recruitment strives to find the perfect candidate for an employment position. Ideally the candidate should fulfill all required criteria to be able to execute the job as well as possible.

However, in reality human judgment tends to be less objective. In practice factors that are not necessary to execute the job satisfactorily will play a role in the selection process. For example, recruiters may take ethnicity, gender, familiar education institutions or companies into account when making such a decision, often without them even realizing it. The recruiter is in most cases not even aware of this effect. This is called ‘unconscious bias’.

Numerous studies have confirmed that in HR, unconscious bias is a significant factor in causing unfair distribution of opportunities and decreasing diversity on the labour market.

At Textkernel, we are dedicated to championing responsible AI in recruitment, placing a premium on ethical practices and inclusivity to pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future.


Responsible use of AI in real world applications

Now that we’ve looked at how AI can be harmful when used carelessly, it’s time to look at how to use AI in a safe and ethical manner. This is called Responsible AI. In fact, when used responsibly AI can help reduce bias, instead of amplifying it.


A woman meditating with closed eyes, showcasing the power of meditation. Image by Textkernel, cropped at a 37-degree angle.

There are numerous examples of successful employment of AI algorithms in a wide variety of applications, where bias is unlikely to occur. Think of for example spam filtering. This application is not very sensitive to introducing or perpetuating bias, because it operates in a problem space that doesn’t rely on factors that may be related to sensitive data. Deciding if an email contains spam is completely independent of the ethnicity, gender and religion of the user.

Three people discussing business partnership in an office. Textkernel's crop with a 37-degree angle.

Unfortunately, in the last few years, there have also been numerous examples in the news of AI systems making biased decisions. For example, a bank deciding whether to give someone credit or not, or a government deciding whether someone is a risk for fraud with social welfare. But we’ve also seen famous examples of AI-based candidate-job matching gone wrong. The common problem in all these cases? Letting AI mimic previous human decisions for problems that are very sensitive to bias and directly affect the lives of real people. The kinds of decisions in these examples require, on top of the “hard” data, common sense, intuition and empathy. All which AI doesn’t have in the current state of technology.

Two women focused on a tablet computer, examining its contents intently. The image is cropped by Textkernel and taken at a 37-degree angle.
Design Systems

Thus, given that AI can create or perpetuate biases, the first question we should always ask is if AI is the appropriate tool for the job? For solving problems where bias is lurking around the corner the answer is most often: NO.

A man sitting on grass, texting on his phone. The image is cropped by Textkernel and taken at a 37-degree angle.
Design Systems

At Textkernel, we separate the problem of matching candidates to jobs into two different steps, document understanding and the matching itself. We have seen that AI can learn and amplify the biases in your hiring data, so maybe it should not be used in the matching algorithm. There are other more controllable algorithms that can do the matching in a transparent and controllable fashion. However, when it comes to extracting information from a CV or job description, the risk for bias is small if done in a responsible manner.

Mitigating bias in AI

Image showcasing Textkernel's crop feature at a 37 degree angle, illustrating effective use of AI recruitment software for business growth.
Mitigating Bias

Whenever AI is the right tool for the job, it is crucial to have the right checks and balances in place. This will ensure that any bias that may arise from the AI solution is minimized. Recently, many tech giants (e.g. Google, IBM etc) have formalized processes to minimize the bias that their machine learning algorithms produce. Following in the steps of these companies, Textkernel has also formalized such processes in a Fairness Checklist. By following this checklist, we are fully aware of any potential biases that may arise. Based on it, we can decide if we must take measures to mitigate bias and ensure that we develop safe and unbiased software.

A team collaborating effectively, maximizing productivity and achieving goals. Image: Textkernel's crop at a 37-degree angle.
Mitigating Bias

Let’s look at some examples of these measures in the context of profession normalization. This is the process of ‘normalizing’ a free form job title to a concept. For example, there are many ways to write “Java Developer”, ranging from “J2EE Full Stack Engineer” to “Java Ninja” and everything in between. This is in fact a lower risk problem for AI as the result of the job title normalization is not influenced by a person’s ethnicity or religion but only by the free form job title.

A man with a bike on a sidewalk, captured at a 37-degree angle using Textkernel's crop.
Mitigating Bias

However, the gender of the person could influence the quality of this AI system. This is because “gendered” job titles could be more common in the AI training data in one of their forms (e.g. actor/actress, waiter/waitress). In such cases, the AI algorithm could learn to normalize one of the forms better than the other. Therefore, one of the measures we can take is to ensure that the training data for the algorithm is balanced and representative. That means that it should be a fair representation of the variety of data that we may encounter in a real-life setting.

Two women sitting at a table with a laptop, captured at a 37-degree angle using Textkernel's crop.
Mitigating Bias

With the right measures in place, bias can be well mitigated for these ‘low risk’ AI tasks. However, as the task becomes more complex and impactful (like the job-candidate matching task itself), the AI algorithms will also need to become much more complex and less controllable. Managing bias in such systems is a very difficult task. In fact, de-biasing and making AI decisions explainable is still an active area of research. There is still no way to guarantee a bias-free AI model for complex tasks. Any companies that claim to have solved this problem are likely exaggerating.

Mitigating Bias

Once we have ensured that the training data is fair and balanced, another measure is to test the quality of normalization for both genders separately. The values for both groups should be close to each other. That way we can ensure that both female and male candidates get equal opportunity when normalized job titles are used for tasks like candidate-job matching.

Responsible AI in practice

The Textkernel solution

Document understanding

The first step of any automated recruitment process is to understand the data. Our Parsing product is a perfect example of this. Understanding a document means to be able to extract the relevant information from a document and enrich it with domain specific knowledge. For example, when we parse a CV, the system reads what work experience the candidate has, but also which skills and degrees he or she possesses and so on (i.e. extraction ). On top of that, it can also standardize the job title and skills to existing taxonomies (i.e. normalization ), derive in which work field the candidate is working, or infer likely skills for that candidate, even though these things are not explicitly mentioned in the document (i.e. enrichment).

We can apply the same process of extraction and enrichment to a job posting, to give us the structured information for the job. In the case of job postings, this entails things like the required experience level, skills, and degree etcetera.

Searching and matching

This extracted and enriched knowledge is a very powerful tool for sourcing and matching. For example, understanding a document allows us to search only on professional skills instead of keyword matching on the entire document; or we can search on normalized job titles so we can find the candidate no matter how she/he expressed their job titles. This leads to a more accurate search. Another example is that we can search on inferred information (e.g. the experience level for a candidate, even though that experience level was not explicitly mentioned in their profile). Enrichment is useful not only for documents but also for search queries. For example, we can add synonyms or related terms to the search query.

Knowing all qualifications of candidates and all the requirements for job postings allows us to automate one more step: matching. To achieve this, we automatically generate a search query given an input document. Let’s say we want to match all suitable candidates for a given job, the search query will contain all required and desired criteria for that vacancy. Each criterion will have its own appropriate weight to optimize the quality of the result set of the query.

Responsible use of AI in Textkernel solution

Why does all this matter? Well, most importantly: AI doesn’t do matching for you. The matching is done in a term-based search engine. We employ powerful AI algorithms only for document understanding (to extract information and enrich documents and queries) but leave the matching part to more transparent and controllable algorithms. This way we give the recruiter full control over the matching, and benefit from our AI-driven world leading parsing capabilities.

However, even when employing transparent and controllable algorithms, bias may arise through properties of the language. For example, a simple term-based search on “waiter” will favor male candidates for that job, since the job title is male by definition. Enrichment of search and match queries helps reduce this type of bias. When recruiting for a waiter job, the query will be automatically enriched with the waitress job title to remove gender bias inherent to that job title. A similar bias reduction can be achieved by normalizing the job titles (as discussed before), normalizing skills and using it in queries: this ensures that no matter how the candidate expresses a skill or previous experience, the concept will still be matched.

To control any bias that could potentially arise in the AI-powered document understanding steps of the process, we enforce our R&D Fairness Checklist.

Reducing human unconscious bias

Having fully controllable and transparent matching has another benefit: by matching on objective criteria, we may actually mitigate any unconscious bias that a recruiter may have. This will improve equal opportunities and diversity in your HR processes. 

Current research suggests that if used carefully, AI can help avoid discrimination, and even raise the bar for human decision-making.

Of course the user is unable to search on any discriminatory attributes when searching with Textkernel’s Source and Match, like gender or religion.

Guiding Textkernel’s ethical approach

Textkernel’s AI principles

At Textkernel, our approach to responsible AI is ingrained in our principles. We believe that AI should serve as a tool guided by humans, not an unsupervised decision maker. Transparency, diversity, and data security are all vitally important for us.

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